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LunaNode Review

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LunaNode Review

Cloud Virtualisation is an interesting concept; organizations can better manage their resources and data with virtual cloud servers. However, which company to rely on for the provisioning of such advanced technology? 

Well, the options are many, but here we are to focus on one option that serves well. We are talking about LunaNode.

In this LunaNode review, we will discuss all LunaNode, including its ease of use, security, support, features, and other benefits and disadvantages of using the platform.

So, let’s get started.

About LunaNode 

LunaNode is based in Canada and provides feature-rich high-performance cloud solutions in various affordable plans. Their solutions use state-of-the-art technologies like OpenStack, KVM, and their proprietary dynamic control panel. 

Lunanode Review

LunaNode’s cloud virtualization infrastructure allows you to deploy virtual machines and block storage at much cheaper rates than its competitors. 

Test & Analysis

We analyzed LunaNode on multiple parameters and found it promising in many aspects. Here are the results of our test and analysis of LunaNode.

User Interface & Ease of Use

The user interface of LunaNode is good and easily understandable. You can navigate through the website pretty easily and find whatever you need. 

When it comes to servers, operating the servers is also quick and easy. You can set up the servers in no time at all, and the platform offers a comprehensive proprietary dynamic control panel that allows you to control all aspects of the cloud server

LunaNode Customer Service

LunaNode is good with customer support and remains available to solve customer issues and queries. Customer support can be contacted via call, email, or ticket system.

Lunanode contact

The response time is usually pretty quick, but it can vary based on your type of query and its priority status.

Security Analysis

LunaNode offers security groups, also known as cloud firewalls, that allow you to restrict network access to a group of virtual machines at the infrastructure level. 

After creating a security group, you can add rules that define the allowed traffic patterns, protocols, and destinations. So, the security is pretty unique and amazing of LunaNode.

Key Features of LunaNode

Let us now list the core features of this platform in this LunaNode Review.

  • Virtual Machines :

KVM-powered virtual machines allow you to connect and manage servers with SSH and offer extensive functionalities like shelving, snapshots, rescue mode, and resizing. 

The bandwidth allocation is calculated by dividing the bandwidth allocation in the plan you purchased by the fraction of the time that your virtual machine was active during the month. 

  • Snapshots :

Snapshots are used to capture the current disk state of a virtual machine and can be taken when your virtual machine is online, eliminating the need for downtime. 

After taking a snapshot, you can create new virtual machines, re-image an existing virtual machine, and download the snapshot from the control panel

  • Volumes :

LunaNode offers virtual disks that can be attached to or detached from the virtual machine, known as block storage volumes. These volumes allow you to set up a mount point on your virtual machine with added storage from the volume. You can also use a volume as your virtual machine’s boot device to retain the machine data.  

  • Private Networks :

All LunaNode accounts come with one private network in each region, and you can purchase additional networks at $4 /month. Private networks allow for an isolated environment using which your virtual machines can communicate securely

  • Load Balancers :

A load balancer balances traffic on individual ports. Load balancers are TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS endpoints required to balance incoming requests over multiple servers and manage failover. LunaNode offers two free ports; each additional port is $2 /month, billed hourly. 

  • Floating IP Addresses

These IP addresses are external addresses that can easily be attached to and detached from virtual machines. You can easily manage all IP addresses by opening the IP tab on the virtual machine. 

Types of Web Hosting LunaNode offers

Here are the web hosting services offered by LunaNode:

LunaNode Hosting Pros & Cons

While testing out the services provided by LunaNode, these are the pros and cons we noticed. 


  • Six Linux-based operating systems 
  • Account management using SSH and web console. 
  • Snapshots and block storage
  • Hourly billing


  • Plans are not for beginners and do require some technical knowledge to set up. 
  • Additional hidden fees. 

FAQs – LunaNode Review

How much does LunaNode cost?

LunaNode’s services start from $3.50 /month to $200 /month. 

What's LunaNode Refund Policy?

Unused account credits can be refunded upon request if they meet the terms and conditions. According to the company, you can request a refund at any time and expect a reply within five business days with the details relevant to the refund. 

Once you verify the refund details, LunaNode will process it and the amount may take around five business days to be credited. 

How many data center locations are provided by this company?

LunaNode has two data centers located in Canada and France. 

Conclusion – LunaNode Review

LunaNode offers scalable cloud hosting solutions with excellent features and functionalities. While it’s a bit difficult for beginners, the platform is good to go and easy to use once all setup. 

The security and support are good, and the feature set is very rich. Based on all the conclusions drawn from different tests and analyses for the LunaNode review, we can finally conclude that it’s a good platform and will be worth your time.

About the autHor

Meet Mamta Goswami, a trialblazing web-hosting expert who has been making her mark in the industry since 2021. With a unique perspective and unwavering passion, she has been empowering individuals and businesses to thrive in the digital world.With her blog posts, Mamta aims to bridge the gender gap in the tech industry and inspire more women to pursue careers in web hosting. Through her relatable and informative content, she simplifies complex concepts, making web hosting accessible to everyone.

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