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Cloudxtiny Review

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Cloudxtiny Review

Are you a beginner at online website hosting or someone who has built a significant business online? Whether you have a big or small website, you will need a hosting that satisfies all your hosting needs with the best quality service. 

Cloudxtiny is one such hosting service provider which provides numerous clouds, servers, and hosting plans. These plans are suitable for users with small or big budgets but do not compromise the quality of their services.

There is a lot more to this hosting service provider that we will see in this Cloudxtiny review.

Overview of Cloudxtiny 

Cloudxtiny is a UK-based hosting service provider. It has numerous server locations worldwide and data centers in the UK. Prometheus Capital Limited owns the platform.

Its main aim is to satisfy user hosting needs, and therefore it works in your favor.

Overview of Cloudxtiny Review

This hosting platform only uses enterprise-class hardware and is trusted by numerous famous companies such as HP, Dell, Intel, Comodo, and Cloudflare. It provides several hosting plans, clouds, servers, etc. 

Cloudxtiny Data Center Location

Cloudxtiny does not give out much information about its data centers, but we know it is located in the UK.

Key Features of Cloudxtiny  

So what are the core features of Cloudxtiny? Let us list them out in this Cloudxtiny review.


Suppose you buy a hosting plan, and in a few days, you realize that it does not satisfy your hosting needs, and you do not know where the ends are short? In such conditions, Cloudxtiny helps you out by scaling your usage and sending you an invoice so that you can understand what and where you need it.

Fully Managed Plans Available

Are you a beginner at hosting? Are you struggling with balancing your attention towards your business and hosting? Now you can concentrate fully on your business, and the hosting will be taken care of by Cloudxtiny with its fully managed hosting plans

Virtualizor Control Panel

We have good news if you dread managing your hosting account tasks such as rebuilding and rebooting. Cloudxtiny provides you with a Virtualizor control panel. This control panel helps you start, stop, rebuild or reboot all from your hosting account profile. 


Do you fear losing all your data to a third-party attack? You do not have to be afraid anymore as Cloudxtiny takes care of it for you. This hosting platform offers you backups that keep your data saved offsite and recover it for you within a few clicks.

SSD Storage

Do you want to speed up your websites? What are the ways of doing so? 

You might include more servers and data centers, and one of the most effective ways is to use SSD storage. This storage system retrieves any piece of information you want within milliseconds. 

Types of Hosting Plans Does Cloudxtiny Offer 

Cloudxtiny offers numerous hosting plans such as:

  • LKVMVPS100: This hosting plan offers numerous features such as 512MB RAM, 5GB SSD cached Disk, 100GB Bandwidth, etc. It costs about $3.78 per month. 
  • KVMVPS100: This hosting plan offers 512MB RAM, 10GB SSD cached Disk, 500GB Bandwidth, 1 snapshot, etc. It costs about $6.30 per month. 
  • DEDID100: The features included in this plan are 8GB RAM, 2x500GB HDD Disk/BYOD, Fully Managed, 5xIP Address, etc. It costs about $189.42 per month. 
  • MicroKube: This plan provides features such as 1xMaster 2x vCPUs 2GB Ram 10GB HDD, 1xWorker 2x vCPUs 2GB Ram 20GB HDD, Kubernetes v1.20.0, etc. The plan costs about $20.19 per month. 

FAQs: Cloudxtiny Review

Is Cloudxtiny Legit?

Yes, Cloudxtiny is entirely legit. This hosting platform clearly states its terms of services and how it bills your plans. It is trusted by many famous companies such as HP, Dell, Intel, Comodo, Cloudflare, etc.

Which Plan Should I Choose For My Beginner Website?

If you are a beginner at hosting, we advise you not to buy a cloud or server directly. You may choose a hosting plan that is fully managed and budget-friendly so that you can focus more on your business and less on hosting.

Is there any discount coupon for the VPS server?

Yes, you might get a discount on VPS servers and other services offered by Cloudxtiny. This hosting platform sometimes offers discounts, but you can also find coupon codes on numerous websites.


Let us now end this Cloudxtiny hosting review and look back at the features provided by it. The facility of fully managed hosting plans, budget-friendly servers, clouds, Virtualizor control panel, etc., are some of the impressive features of hosting service providers. Is it worth it or not?

Although, the limited information about data centers and the features could bother you a little. However, it has been tested and does not give you many reasons to complain, so try it out while you’re at it. 

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