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Clouding.io Review

Price Reliability Features Support Ease of use
2 Fair

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Clouding.io Review

VPS Cloud technology has made business operations easier, more flexible, and even more accessible for organizations. Businesses were looking forward to investing in it because of the ease of operations and enhanced productivity that can be achieved by setting up resources over the VPS cloud. 

However, when you’re investing in an advanced technology, you want to be sure that all your requirements are taken care of. So, what would be the right platform to purchase VPS Cloud resources?

Well, there could be many platforms. But we are not here to confuse you. Instead, we are here to provide you with a detailed review for you to analyze and understand whether a particular company would meet your requirements or not.

On that note, here is a detailed Clouding.io Review for you to analyze if this is the company in which you want to invest for the VPS cloud or not.

About Clouding.io

Founded in 2014, Clouding.io is a Spain-based infrastructure service company that deals in cloud-related solutions. With major services such as VPS clouds, you can get flexible resources per month or even per hour to suit your needs and requirements. 

About Clouding.io Review

With flexible cloud resources, Clouding.io seeks to improve and enhance cloud experiences for people by being at their service as and when required, along with being affordable and economical.

Test & Analysis

When reviewing a platform, thorough and deep analysis is essential, and that’s what we did. We tested and analyzed Clouding.io on multiple parameters, and herein below are the results of our analysis.

User Interface & Ease of Use

Clouding.io’s control panel offers a modern UI and a comprehensive set of functions to monitor and alter every server parameter. The control panel allows you the freedom you’re looking for. 

You can set up, expand, modify or delete individual servers in the cloud easily and intuitively. You can also archive the server temporarily when you’re not using it, and you won’t be charged for RAM or CPU usage during that time either. 

Clouding.io Customer Support

Clouding.io offers 24/7 customer support 365 days a year. The clouding support team helps you solve any issues faced during the software installation on your server, free of cost

Clouding.io Customer Support

The cloud pros connect to your servers and solve the problem, designing and implementing complex solutions that ensure fast and effective resolution. 

Security Analysis

Clouding.io’s servers have a firewall system that can easily be managed from the control panel and resides on the platform independent of your cloud server. When you create an account, you are provided with a default firewall profile which includes commonly used ports that you’ll regularly use for work.

The firewalls can also be configured easily, and you can create new firewall profiles. You can access all the ports you need from TCP or UDP ports and some of the more advanced ones like ICMP, GRE, L2TO, and AH. 

Key Features Clouding.io Offers

Clouding.io isn’t like other cloud hosting platforms with set plans and subscriptions; it uses a pay-per-use service that allows you to configure a cloud server by dragging the features you want for your website or store. Here are some of its key features:

Key Features Clouding.io Offers
  • Hourly Billing : Services are billed by the hour, not by month or year. So, you only use the resources you need to reduce overall costs. 
  • High Availability : All cloud servers are available and operational at all times, thanks to the number of redundant systems built to ensure unparalleled performance. 
  • Datacenter in Barcelona : The data center is built on a tier IV proximity data center with the most advanced security. The SLA data center offers 99.99% uptime, and physical security staff is present 24/7 on the property. 

Access is restricted for everyone and is only allowed through prior authorization. The environmental controls protect the servers against fire using fire suppression systems designed to snuff out any fire in a matter of seconds without any residue on the equipment. 

Types of Web Hosting Clouding.io Offers

Clouding.io is unlike other regular hosting companies that deliver all hosting and cloud solutions. It has preferred to be the king of one rather than a jack of all.

So, when it comes to the types of web hosting Clouding.io offers, you will find it offering only one service: Cloud VPS hosting

Clouding.io Hosting Pros & Cons

With every hosting company, you notice some benefits and some disadvantages. So, did we. Herein below are the major pros and cons of using Clouding.io for cloud VPS services.


  • Hourly billing
  • Free trails 
  • A robust and reliable storage system
  • Excellent security
  • High availability


  • It is not beginner friendly

FAQ’s – Clouding.io Review

Do I need to pay extra for backups with Clouding.io? 

Yes, you need to pay extra for backups with Clouding.io. 

What payment methods do Clouding.io accept?

Clouding.io accepts payments through credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal. 

How many data center locations are provided by this company?

There is only one data center located in Barcelona, Spain. 

Conclusion – Clouding.io Review

Here we are at the conclusion of our Clouding.io review, and after the entire testing and analysis, we can say that it is a good platform, totally worth a try

You get resources on a pay-per-use basis, which is highly cost-effective and with guaranteed SLA uptime, you can expect high availability of your data and servers. The security is also pretty tight, and you get good support from them.

Overall, it’s a good platform, and you can definitely go for it if you’re looking for a cloud VPS.

Clouding.io Review

  1. Chris Stevenson
    Chris Stevenson


    clouding.io is a massive generator of spam. As a result I and many other ISP block all their IP adressess. Avoid these people because your web site will never be seen and your emails will never be delivered.

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