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SecureAX Review

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SecureAX Review

SecureAX Review: SecureAX is a very well-known name in the field of web hosting. It is best known for its amazing cloud computing business on a very efficient basis. It is more efficient, affordable, and secure to operate. The most important thing regarding SecureAX is its 24*7 availability for its users which comprises a well-managed and knowledgeable staff.

We went ahead and tested the platform for all the aforementioned things and based on our tests and analysis for all these parameters, here is a detailed SecureAX review for you to determine if this is the web hosting service for you or not.

About SecureAX Hosting 

SecureAX was founded in the year 2007 as a corporate IT company that was reliable and fully automated. It became popular since its establishment and provided complete access, control, and security to its users.  It was founded by two people named Caric Tan and Michael Foo. 

About SecureAX Hosting Review

They were doing their Undergraduate when they felt that the demand for web hosting services is increasing day by day. Initially, SecureAX offered a high-quality VPN to its customers for having a more secure and private browsing experience.

Test and Analysis 

The web hosting platform is widely used by users throughout the world and thus, there are various parameters upon which the service provider is judged. This section deals with some of the most common standards on which the web server’s versatility is checked upon-

User Interface & Ease of Use

The website of company has a very user-friendly interface for its users. It ensures that the first visit of a user should be the most valuable one as the saying goes- “First impression is the last impression.”

It has a sophisticated interface for enabling the user to have all the information on the same platform with the tabs clearly mentioned along with the sub-sections. 

SecureAX Hosting Customer Support 

The company has a very well-organized customer care service. It has on its website the number of the company for the customers as well as the address of the headquarters of the company for any physical contact for the user.

Security Analysis  

The company provides SSL certificates. It also has the utility of providing malware-free services to its users. Along with all these features, the website assures that the mail of its clients is protected via mail gateway protection.

Key Features of SecureAX Hosting

Every company has its own plus points that make it different from its other counterparts. The services, operability, and expansion that the company possesses are very important for its distinguishing characteristics in the arena of competitors. This section deals with the special key features that SecureAX possesses and what actually makes it an amazing service provider-

  • Cheaper rates

SecureAX has cheaper rates for the storage space that its users occupy on the cloud.

  • An amazing workspace

SecureAX has an amazing workspace to offer to its clients. It has the most amazing platform to provide to its clients and that serves as a very comfortable workplace for them to work upon.

  • Free access to mails

It gives you access to your web and business emails on the same platform.

Types of Web Hosting SecureAX Hosting offers  

Each web hosting service provider is known for the various hosting services that it provides. This section deals with the types of web hosting services that SecureAX offers to its users.

Shared Hosting Services are very essential for beginners and small businesses. And this is the point where every service provider is not focusing on the support section. But some are really amazing in this field, like- A2 Hosting, Interserver, YouStable, and Bluehost.

Pros & Cons – SecureAX Review

Just like a coin has two sides, the same goes for the workability of SecureAX. It has some features above other web hosting service providers and along with these features, there are some shortcomings too in its service-providing methodology. The following section deals with that


  • An excellent workspace for its users.
  • The data protection is very much centric and well managed.
  • It has amazing customer service for its users.
  • The cost of packages for different domains is very cheap.


  • The information that the website takes upon from its users can be hindered by any unauthorized access or a third party.

FAQs – SecureAX Review

Why Choose SecureAX Hosting Plans?

One should go for SecureAX hosting plans because of the following reasons:

  • It has low-cost prices fixed for packages to make them affordable for all kinds of people.
  • The safety measures that SecureAX has regarding the personal information of its users are very well managed.

Is backup included?

Backup is included in SecureAX. So, the user has not had to be bothered about his data and content being stored on the server.

Do SecureAX support IPv6?

No, SecureAX does not support IPv6. It has no provisions for this utility to give to its customers.

Where is the SecureAX data center?

 SecureAX has its data center located in Malaysia and Singapore.

Conclusion – SecureAX Review

SecureAX is a very good website for web hosting purposes. It offers a wide range of web hosting services to its users. The domain names that SecureAX provides are wide-ranging and also useful to its users. The web hosting service provider has got a very sophisticated platform to help its user get all the information from the same tabs available on the screen.

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