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Valuable Tools and Tips For Domain Name Buyers

4 min read
Valuable Tools and Tips For Domain Name Buyers

Have you ever put a query on your browser but failed to click on the first website that the search engine spits out just because of the domain name? A good domain name boosts a business’s online visibility. It is the first impression potential clients have of your company. Therefore, it is critical to incorporate several factors that direct traffic toward your website before purchasing.

This article explores some of the tools and tips for buying a domain name.

Using Aggregators That Compare Prices for Different TLDs

Before buying a domain name, check your budget and determine how much you want to invest in a name. Domain registrar aggregators allow you to enter a keyword and match it with numerous others that can be used in the domain name. They also provide prices for different TLDs. The difference in price for different TLDs is due to various reasons, such as the unregulated environment in which most TLDs operate.

The lack of regulation allows registries to charge prices depending on demand and supply. Registries are organizations that control top-level domains and set prices for each. Older domain extensions such as .com and .uk are regulated and have fixed prices. Others offer discounts in the first year of registration.

Using aggregators is thus essential in ensuring you don’t pay exaggerated fees for a domain name from a TLD, which you could get at a lower premium in another.

Using Bulk Whois Tool To Get a Clean List of All Domains

Whois is an online tool that identifies who owns a domain and their contacts. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regulates the registration and ownership of domain names.

Whois allows one to get details like the names of the domain owner, organization, registration dates, email address, and physical location with a single query. More technical records may give the expiry date of the domain name.

Our tip here is, though, a much simpler one. We use this Bulk Whois Tool for getting rid of unnecessary data, to get a nice clean list without all https://, www and duplicates. Furthermore, the same goes when we want to get a list of domains from a list of URLs. All we do is just pasting them into the window and a clean list without any unwanted info appears within a second. 

Use Ahrefs for Analysis 

The domain name selected significantly impacts a business’s SEO ranking. For example, Google prioritizes domain names bearing .ca in Canada as they are created for English-speaking audiences. This applies to other regions; therefore, analyzing the domain name before registering it is crucial. 

Ahrefs is an SEO software that contains tools for keyword research, link building, rank tracking, competitor analysis, and site audit. Some keywords are easy to rank, while others are pretty difficult. 

You can use Ahrefs to select a good domain name, as the choice of keywords is also a good consideration when selecting a domain name. Ahrefs uses a Keyword Difficulty (KD) score to rank keywords according to their ease of ranking. This enables potential domain owners to determine if their name choice will have a potential to be visible online.

Ensure Brand Protection

Check on domain names containing keywords that might get high search volumes in the future and purchase them. Such a strategy prevents unnecessary third parties from ranking well on these keywords. 

One example could be services that require login or offer bonuses. If you use Ahrefs, you can search for competitor brand names to see which other keyword phrases they rank on that include their brand name. If a brand name is BigBoost, you should consider protecting the phrase bigboost login. If you work with a news site project with the name Saturnus Weekly, you might wish to buy a domain name with the brand plus the word ‘news’ in it.

Using Bulk URL Openers 

If you are researching multiple domains, opening them individually can prove to be a tedious task. Bulk URL openers allow you to open multiple domains in one-click. You can thus perform checks across platforms or compare options. You can use bulk URL openers when reviewing available TLDs, performing bulk research on domain history and comparing pricing on different registrars. 

Using IsError Formula for Cross-checking

Managing a large list of domain names can be tiresome. You are likely to come across errors from expired domains or even data pulls. You can use IsError formula to analyze domain lists to ensure you are not using outdated data or missing out on key information. This formula will also come in handy when performing bulk Whois lookups. 

Each of these tools provide domain buyers with specific advantages, from bulk domain management, pricing comparison, analysis, and efficient research to brand protection. Integrating these tools to your domain buying process will not only save you time and money but also help you land some good domain names. 

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Mamta Goswami
Meet Mamta Goswami, a trialblazing web-hosting expert who has been making her mark in the industry since 2021. With a unique perspective and unwavering passion, she has been empowering individuals and businesses to thrive in the digital world. With her blog posts, Mamta aims to bridge the gender gap in the tech industry and inspire more women to pursue careers in web hosting. Through her relatable and informative content, she simplifies complex concepts, making web hosting accessible to everyone.

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