SkySilk hosting login provides the best offers and tools making it easier for any developer, business, or individual to utilize cloud computing resources. Ranging from freelancers to professional developers,
it is a platform anyone can use and design to build their business to grow at a much higher level. To be able to enjoy our services successfully, we provide a guide that helps you to access our features:
How to login Ubuntu on VPS?
Step 1: Open a terminal window i.e. a putty terminal client window.
Step 2: Enter your IP address on the SSH command, check the SSH checkbox and click Open.
Step 3: On receiving a warning message for the first login, click on Yes to proceed
Step 4: Enter your username and password on the given bars
Step 5: Press the Enter button and you will be successfully logged into Ubuntu on VPS.
If you forget your password, you can conduct the following steps:
For Ubuntu password
Step 1: Click on the Ubuntu menu in the top left corner and type the word password
Step2: Click on Passwords and Encryption Keys.
Step 3: Next, click on Password: login. A list of stored passwords will be shown.
Step 4: Double-click on the password that you want to show.
Step 5: Click on Password and check on Show password
With this, you can easily log in while remembering your password for the next time you log in.
Must read: – How to Login, Client login in
How To Create Or Edit A WordPress Database:
- Creating a new WordPress database:
- The first thing you need to do to create a new WordPress database is to click open your control panel.
- Under the database, section click on My SQL Database Wizard icon.
- Then create a database and enter the database name.
- Then click on the next step
- Again, create a database user and enter the database user name as well as the password.
- Click on Create User and Add User to Database
- Click the All Privileges checkbox and proceed to the Next Step.
- Complete the final task note the database name and user and you will be good to go
Editing a WordPress database:
- First, log into your cpanel
- Scroll to find the phpMyAdmin option.
- Then prepare to find the database that you want to work with on the left side of the menu and click on it.
- Finally, select and click the “Operations” tab.
How To Install LAMP On Ubuntu VPS:
Skysilk hosting login:- LAMP STANDS for LINUX operating system apache HTTP server my SQL database management system and PHP programming language.
It is one of the popular open-source software that is used to host the website. By creating the LAMP on ubuntu ,you can create a server fully easily with full control within a minute. It is the easier one among all the Linux distribution.
For installing Apache, follow the following commands:
Step 1: Update the System:
apt-get update
Step 2: Install Apache:
Step 3: Start Apache & Enable Apache on Boot:
enable apache2
start apache2
Apache will now be installed and running on the server.
Now Open a new window and type your SkySilk IP to access, i.e. http:// it will show you an Apache2 pages
apt-get install MySQL-server MySQL-client -y
This will start downloading files and will ask you to set an ADMIN password, enter the password twice to confirm.
Enter MySQL Admin Password to start the process
Set root password? [Y/n] Press N
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Press Y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Press N
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Press Y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Press Y
apt-get install php7.0-mysql php7.0-curl php7.0-json php7.0-cgi php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7 -y
This will install PHP7 on your Ubuntu Server.
To test whether the PHP is working correctly we will create a file called info.php. Place this file inside the webserver root directory
Open your text editor:
Sudo nano /var/ww/html/info.php
Again enter the following lines and save the file
Then, to navigate to this page open your IP/my.php in browser i.e http://your_server_ip_address/info.php
If you get the output on your screen, then LAMP is installed successfully.
If Also you want to know about How To A2Hosting Login Account – Client Area?
How Do I Login To My Linux VPS As Root? What Is My Root Password?
You can Skysilk hosting login to your Linux VPS as root with password and SSH Console in the dashboard.
Log in with the password:
To log in to your VPS as root, use the password set and confirmed during the VPS deployment process as shown in the image below:
Login as root with SSH Console on SkySilk User Dashboard:
Since all SkySilk VPS default users are set as root, you can follow the given steps to log in as root using the SSH Console on your user dashboard:
1. Enter root as your username:
2. Select the Password option and enter the password you set during VPS creation, and press ENTER.