Enter a URL
How to detect malicious viruses and corrupted scripts on different web pages? This tool will help you in detecting such viruses before you start working with them or on them.
It safeguards your PC from any virus that may come from any web page links or URLs. This seems like a necessity before you use data from a place, right?
Hence, introducing your very own Google Malware Checker by GoogieHost. It comes for free and has everything to do with your computer’s safety.
Google Malware Checker identifies the virus and other threats that may cause harm to your device. It also prepares web security reports.
These reports contain the data about all the malicious or malafide attacks that could cause or will be causing your device in a disruptive way.
Google enables its tools and applications to check URLs against Google’s constantly updated list of suspected hacking and malware pages.
It directs and matches the links or web pages with its list to check whether that thing is good or evil for your work.
Google Malware Checker Tool by GoogieHost is very easy to use. All you have to do is:
Visit GoogieHost’s Tools Section and go to “Google Malware Checker Tool.”
You will be asked to enter the URL which you want to check
After entering the URL, you will be needed to click on “Submit.”
4. After you submit the URL, you will be directed to a new page. Here, you will be told about the
webpage or link and whether it is safe or not.
And tada! You will successfully see the results for the URL you entered with the Google Malware Checker
Tool for Free!