Specializing in offering top-grade VPS hosting, managed cloud hosting, and dedicated hosting servers, Liquid Web has been flourishingly serving its clientele since 1997.
Liquid Web Login They put forward fast, reliable, safe & secure hosting servers. Liquid Web is a pre-eminent platform for people to trust with their finest hosting solutions.
They offer a hassle-free customer experience by providing 24*7 support which is also called ‘Heroic Support’. The brand also has the leading smooth WordPress hosting with exceptional features such as automatic updates, a user-friendly dashboard, and staging sites.
Liquid web login serves top companies such as Motorola, ESPN, Red Bull, and United Way. The brand is Michigan based, with its hosting plans built on its own Storm platform.
Read further to know about how to log in to manage, update reverse DNS in manage, login to cloud sites, webmail login in liquid web, and configure multiple sites with Apache.
How To Liquid Web Login Account?
Liquid web login provides the Manage interface for the account and cloud management portal. See the following steps to log in to manage:
Step 1: Go to the Liquid Web Website
Step 2: You will receive the following screen. Add your username and password and click the login button to access the Manage portal.
How To Update Reverse DNS In Manage?
Here are the steps to Update Reverse DNS In Manage are:
Step 1: Log in to your liquid web client area by going to the liquid web home page.
Step 2: In the left sidebar, you will see an option for “Domains“.Click on it.
Step 3: You will see the DNS tab just right to the “My Domains” tab. Click on it.
Step 4: At the bottom, you will see a reverse DNS section. Here you will receive a drop-down menu to select the server that you want to set DNS for.
Step 5: Click on the Add button on the right of the IP address that you want to change the reverse DNS of.
Step 6: In the textbox add the hostname and click on the green checkbox.
Step 7: Confirm your action by clicking on the set reverse DNS button.
How To Login to The Cloud Sites Control Panel?
Here are the steps to Login into The Cloud Sites Control Panel are:
Step 1: Open your internet browser. It can be any web browser such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
Step 2: Go to Liquid Web’s official website.
Step 3: Once you have reached the homepage of the Liquid Web website, locate the ‘Customer Login’ option from the top navigation menu. Click on it.
Step 4: After this, you will be shown the login panel. Here you can fill in the registered credentials to successfully log in to the Liquid Web client area.
Step 5: Enter your registered username and password in the appropriate text boxes.
Step 6: Now you will encounter a pop-up dialog box. Locate and click on the option that says ‘Manage My Account’.
Step 6: After this, locate and expand the services section by clicking on the + sign. Here you will get the option of Cloud Sites to login into the control panel.
Step 7: You will successfully be able to access the Cloud Sites control panel.
How To Liquid Web Login Webmail?
Webmail in Liquid Web offers a great way to handle your heavy email accounts. Learn here how to webmail login in Liquid web login. Follow the below-mentioned steps-
Method 1: Directly by URL
Step 1: Open your web browser to open the following link to login in to webmail.
Step 2: Type this URL & browse: www.webmail.liquidweb.services/
Step 3: After clicking Go, you will receive the following window screen-
Step 4: Enter your webmail email address in the Email field and webmail password in the password field.
Step 5: Click on the login button to access your Liquid web webmail.
Method 2: From cPanel
Step 1: First login into your panel by using the following URL:
Replace your domain name with the actual domain name of your website
Step 2: Now you will receive a login screen where you can enter your login credentials. Enter your username and password.
Step 3: You will finally be able to access your cPanel.
Step 4: Now on its dashboard you will see an email accounts icon. Click on it.
Step 5: Choose the ‘more‘ drop-down option to expand the email accounts. Then select the webmail account that you want to access.
Step 6: Now click on the access webmail option
Step 7: Type the password of the webmail account and click on the login button.
Step 8: Now you will encounter the webmail main screen from where you can check your messages
How To Configure Multiple Sites With Apache?
Follow The below steps to host your multiple sites with one server. Here you will learn how to host multiple sites on Apache-
Step 1: Make a new directory for the sites you want to host on the server. Make sure to make this directory inside the /var/www folder.
mkdir -p /var/www/domain.com/public_html
mkdir -p /var/www/domain2.com/public_html
Instead of domain.com and domain2.com use your actual domain names for the websites.
Step 2: Set up the permissions of the folder using the below line:
chmod -R 755 /var/www
Step 3: Ensure that you have the index.html file for each of your sites. Use the command written below to set up the index page.
vim /var/www/domain.com/public_html/index.html
testing for domain.com
Now press the escape button and type:wq.
Same steps you have to follow for the next domain.
vim /var/www/domain2.com/public_html/index.html
Step 4: Copy the default configuration file for having a copy of creating the site in the future.
cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/domain.com.conf
cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/domain2.com.conf
Step 5: enter the following and the information. Close and save by:wq.
vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/domain.com.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
ServerName domain.com
ServerAlias www.domain.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/domain.com/public_html
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
Step 6: disable the default config file by the following command.
a2dissite 000-default.conf
Now enable your newly created config file by the following command:
a2ensite domain.com.conf
a2ensite domain2.com.conf
Step 7: Restart the Apache service for registering the changes made.
systemctl restart apache2
Step 8: Verify your Apache configuration by seeing if you can edit the /etc/host file or not. Also, if you can edit the domain’s DNS or not?