Advertise with us

Here you will find all the information you need to advertise on Hostinglogiguide.

If this is your first visit to our blog, I recommend that you read our articles.

Hostinglogiguide connects brands with the best audience in web hosting and development.

Hostinglogiguide offers you the opportunity to connect with a huge audience, highly-engaged web professionals passionate about cutting-edge Web Hosting.

There are two possibilities.


You can showcase your product site-wide as a banner or text. A sidebar is shown on every Hostinglogiguide article.

Pricing: $200/3month

Acceptable size: 300×600, 300×300, 300×250

Above Featured Image:

Get your product or brand noticed by showing a banner or text on every Hostingloginguide article above the featured image.

Pricing: $300/3month

Acceptable size: 728×90, 970×250

Product Placement:

You can choose to place your product in an existing article.

Pricing: $150/ With Dofollow link lifeLine

We value our readers, and it is our responsibility to include only relevant products and services which solve a purpose. There are various assessment criteria we apply to approve the products to be shown on Hostingloginguide. This helps the brand and readers both.


If you have any creative ideas for ad placement or if you want to place ads on a specific, feel free to contact us. Creative ideas are always welcome on Hostinglogiguide.


Present your brand to millions by sponsoring Hostinglogiguide. It’s a custom package and can be customized to create maximum impact.

Sponsorship is quarterly or annually.

Payment Mode:

We accept payments via PayPal.

Drop us an email mentioned on the Contact us page with your requirements. Be sure to add enough details so that we may respond appropriately to your query.